Plan for the week 2/10 – 2/16

Plan for the Week:

*Alternate Location* Monday (6:30pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park) – 1200m hill repeats!

We will begin with a quick warm up mile around the park:

Down the ladder hill repeats on Colgate Dr. The entire hill is considered part of the workout

  • Lower Mileage: 1200m, 800m, 400m, 400m
  • Medium Mileage: 1200m, 800m, 800m, 400m, 400m
  • Higher Mileage: 1200m, 1200, 800m, 800m, 400m, 400m

Aim for around 120 seconds rest in between reps.

Wednesday (6:30pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Paddle Routes:

Saturday (7:00AM @ Harvey Washbangers ) – Long Run –Boot routes

Sunday Slowdown (8:00AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail.

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s

Plan for the week of 2/3 – 2/9

*Alternate Location* Monday (6:30pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park) – 1200m hill repeats!

We will begin with a quick warm up mile around the park:

1200m hill repeat on Colgate Dr. The entire hill is considered part of the workout

  • Lower Mileage: 1200m x 3
  • Medium Mileage: 1200m x 4
  •  Higher Mileage: 1200m x 5

Aim for around 120 seconds rest in between reps.

Wednesday (6:30pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Bow Routes:

Saturday (7:00AM @ Harvey Washbangers ) – Long Run –Lodka routes

Sunday Slowdown (8:00AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail.

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s

Plan for the Week of 1/27 – 2/2:

*Alternate Location* Monday (6:30pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park)–600m repeats

Our workout will begin with a mile warmup:

We will do 600m repeats on the Wolf Pen Creek inner loop trail.

·         Lower Mileage: 600m x 5

·         Medium Mileage: 600m x 6

·         Higher Mileage: 600m x 8

Aim for around 90 seconds rest in between reps

Wednesday (6:30pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Starboard Routes

·         4 miles: Route Map ( ( )

·         4.8 miles: Route Map ( (

·         6 miles: Route Map ( (

Saturday (7:00AM @ Harvey Washbangers) – Long Run – Hull Routes

·         4 miles: Route Map (   GPX (

·         6 miles: Route Map (   GPX (

·         8 miles: Route Map (  GPX (

·         10 miles: Route Map (   GPX (

Sunday Slowdown (8:00 AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s

Plan for the week 1/20 – 1-26


Please watch for announcements on Wednesday regarding potential changes due to inclement road conditions. Stay safe and check for updates!

Plan for the Week:

*Alternate Location* Monday (6:30pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park) –800m repeats!

We will begin with a quick warm up mile around the park:

800M Hill repeats on Colgate Drive

  • Lower Mileage: 800m x 5
  • Medium Mileage: 800m x 6
  • Higher Mileage: 800m x 8

Wednesday (6:30pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Oar Routes:

Saturday (7:00AM @ Midtown Drive ) – Long Run –Midtown routes

The long run is in South College Station for this run.    Please look at the map below to make sure you know where we are meeting. You can also access the exact coordinates for the parking area / meet up spot here.  

Sunday Slowdown (8:00AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail.

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s

Plan for the week 1/13 – 1/19

Plan for the Week:

*Alternate Location* Monday (6:30pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park) – 600m repeats!

We will begin with a quick warm up mile around the park:

600M Repeats on the inner loop trail.

  • Lower Mileage: 600m x 5
  • Medium Mileage: 600m x 6
  • Higher Mileage: 600m x 8

Wednesday (6:30pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Paddle Routes:

Saturday (7:00AM @ Harvey Washbangers ) – Long Run –Boom routes

Sunday Slowdown (8:00AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail.

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s