Brazos Runners Club Race Workout Programs
Training Plan Categories (Reference)
Not sure which training plan is for you? Do you have a goal distance: 10k, Half or Full Marathon? How fast are you wanting to finish? See the below quick plan summaries to help you decide. Each category is essentially based on running experience and your current running base (miles per week).
10K Training Plan
This plan is designed for those who have an established running base of about 8 to 10 miles per week. Using this plan will help enhance overall performance with eh aim of running a 10K (6.2 mile) race.
Fun Half Marathon
To pick up this plan, you should have already completed some shorter (5K-10K) races and have an established running base of at least 12 to 16 miles per week. Use the fun half marathon plan will help you conquer your first half marathon race (13.1 iles).
Fast Half Marathon
The “fast” half marathon plan is designed for experienced runners with a base of around 18 to 22 miles per week. Runners using this plan are comfortable with the half marathon distance and are looking to achieve a new PB.
Fun Marathon
Runners aiming for their first marathon should check out this plan. It’s designed for runners who have run a few half marathons and have an established running base of 20-24 miles per week. This plan will get you over the line running your first 26.2 mile race!
Fast Marathon
Have you run a marathon before? Do you want to run a faster marathon? Look at this plan. You should have a running base of 26 to 30 miles per week before you start.
Marathon (BQ Version)
This plan is designed for experienced runners who have run multiple marathons and have an established base of at least 32-36 miles per week. This plan will get you on the right track towards a new personal best (or even a Boston Marathon qualifying time).