Running Club Board Members

Jay Childers


Is the President. Does presidential things (Also the pseudo-IT guy)

John Denton

Vice President

Does the actual work so the president doesn’t have to

Brittany Lowery


One of the actual adults on the board. Helping to keep things official

Kathleen Hanson


Always knows where the money is stashed. Keeps us from spending into bankruptcy

Luis Sanchez

Director of Running Operations

Tells us when and where and how to run

Adrienne Langelier

Director of Volunteer Operations

Coordinating volunteer efforts with local races and affiliations since we begged her not to quit

Jamie Hardin

Director of Marketing & Outreach

Actually knows how Instagram and other social platforms work.

Ted Boone

Past President

Trying desperately not to have any official capacity whatsoever

Ian Muise

Member at Large

Stalwart member of reason and experience.

Salem Bouhairie

Member at Large/Co-Treasurer

Still officially on the books to sign our checks and pay taxes