Plan for the week of 9/9 – 9/15

Published by Luis Sanchez on

Plan for the Week:

Time change Alert: Time will be changing for our Monday and Wednesday night workouts to 6:30 PM the week on September 16th.

Mark your calendars the BRC Fall Party will be on October 6th at Lake Bryan from 4-10PM. More details on how to RSVP coming soon!

Monday (7:00pm @ Wolf Pen Creek Park)– Hill Workout Next to the Arts Council (corner of Colgate and Dartmouth).

Our workout will begin with a warmup mile:

We will then do 1200m hill repeats on Colgate Hill.  We’ll have water at the top, but the entire hill (up & down) is considered part of the workout:

  • Lower Mileage: 1200m x 3
  • Medium Mileage: 1200m x 4
  • Higher Mileage: 1200m x 5

Wednesday (7:00pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Stern Routes:

Saturday (7:00AM @ Harvey Washbangers) – Long Run – Keel Routes :

Sunday Slowdown (8:00AM @ Midtown Drive Wide Shoulder)

Run/Walk down the greenway trail

Breakfast on Saturday morning will be at Torchy’s!