Email Distribution Group FAQ

How do I join your email distribution group?

We have a GoogleGroups e-mail distribution list that is used to send out workout information, routes, and training tips. Instructions on how to subscribe to this distribution list are provided below. If you run into any problems joining the group, send an e-mail to the list manager (j-grau@tamu.edu).

1) To SUBSCRIBE, send an e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

2) You should receive a reply that contains a button "Join This Group". Click the link.

3) Fill in your e-mail address and prove that you are not a robot.

4) You should receive a second reply asking you to verify that you wish to join. Again, click "Join This Group".

5) This will generate an e-mail prompt to the group manager. Normally, your request will be approved within 24 hrs.


To UNSUBSCRIBE, send an e-mail to: [email protected]