Weekly Workouts (8/5-8/11)
Monday (7:00pm @ AMCMS)– Down the Ladder!
- Lower Mileage: 1600m, 1200m, 800m
- Medium Mileage: 2000m,1600m, 1200m
- Higher Mileage: 2400, 2000m,1600m
Wednesday (7:00pm @ Harvey Washbangers) – Tempo Run (25-30s slower than 5k pace) – Oar Routes:
- 3.8 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Oar3_8) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Oar3_8gpx)
- 4.3 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Oar4_3) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Oar4_3gpx)
- 5.1 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Oar5_1) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Oar5_1gpx)
Saturday (7:00AM @ Midtown Drive) Long Run – Midtown Routes – The long run is in South College Station for this run. Please look at the map below to make sure you know where we are meeting. You can also access the exact coordinates for the parking area / meet up spot here.

- 5.5 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Midtown5_5 ) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Midtown5_5gpx )
- 8 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Midtown8 ) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Midtown8gpx )
- 10.1 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Midtown10_1 )| GPX (https://bit.ly/Midtown10_1gpx )
- 13.4 miles: Route Map (https://bit.ly/Midtown13_4 ) | GPX (https://bit.ly/Midtown13_4pgx )
Breakfast on Saturday will be at Torchy’s.